2024-10-29 | PhD
Lab/Company : International Research Centre MagTop, Polish Academy of Sciences
Location : Warsaw, Poland
Yearly income : 87165 PLN
Expiration : 2024-11-18 [YYYY-MM-DD]
We offer a 4-years fully funded PhD position at the International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter, the Division ON-6 of Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. More information about our department is available here https://magtop.ifpan.edu.pl/ The department won the biggest national Polish grant, and we offer some of the best working conditions for PhD students in Poland. The PhD candidate should perform theoretical investigations of the interplay between band structure topology and magnetism via computational methods, primarily density functional theory. The PhD candidate should use machine learning tools for improved topological materials growth. All previous PhD students of the group successfully graduated. CV of previous PhD students of the group are available here: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=lXZP7u4AAAAJ&hl=it https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=or0ONZgAAAAJ&hl=it https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=Jp_m9k4AAAAJ&hl=it https://scholar.google.it/citations?hl=it&user=nVD6_7YAAAAJ Additional bonuses on the salary are provided in the case of scientific publications in international journals with peer review. Additional information on requirements and how to apply are provided at the link https://magtop.ifpan.edu.pl/positions/research-assistant-and-extracurricular-phd-student-8/ For any further information, please send a mail to magtopparticipants@gmail.com