
PhD: Comparing different magnetic particle imaging scanner architectures

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2024-10-10 | PhD

Lab/Company : PTB Berlin

Location : Berlin, Germany

Yearly income : TVöD E13 (85%)


Expiration : 2024-10-28 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a preclinical, diagnostic imaging modality that can be used to specifically and quantitatively represent magnetic nanoparticle distributions in the body. A third-party funded (DFG) joint research project with TU Ilmenau is intended to achieve a consistent comparability of the different scanner architectures that are currently used around the globe. For this purpose, novel platform-independent phantoms are to be developed to enable and accelerate multicenter preclinical MPI studies. In addition, a planning tool is to be developed to select the best possible measurement configuration (or MPI scanner architecture) for a given MPI measurement task and to estimate the success prospects.

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