
Postdoc: Generic tight-binding platform for spin-orbitronics applications

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2024-09-19 | Post-doc

Lab/Company : CEA

Location : Saclay, France

Yearly income : Salary and social benefits in accordance with the collective


File : See details

Expiration : 2024-12-01 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

A 12-month postdoctoral position is open in the laboratory of Physics of the Condensed State (SPEC: Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé) in CEA Paris-Saclay. The aim of this project is to develop a tight-binding modelling platform (TBKOSTER: Tight-Binding Kernel of Objects for Spin-orbiTronics Enhanced Research) for analyzing and post-processing joint charge/spin/orbit properties, and for integrating various transport and time-dependent dynamics codes developed in the laboratory. Our successful tight-binding model is based either on parametrization or on Wannier functions expansion, and is well adapted to the computation of physical properties via response function formalism or transport properties via non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. TBKOSTER will make it possible to simulate realistic materials, analyze the phenomena at play on a microscopic scale and highlight fundamental physical concepts related on spin-orbital currents in solids. This modelling platform is intended also to support the experimental teams in interpreting experiments, as well as proposing new materials or devices with optimized properties.

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