
Postdoc: Spin-wave implementation within the VAMPIRE software package

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2024-07-17 | Post-doc

Lab/Company : Sheffield Hallam University

Location : Sheffield, United Kingdom

Yearly income :


Expiration : 2024-07-28 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

To support the software development related to the project entitled “Spin-wave implementation within the VAMPIRE software package”.

The Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI) is a dynamic interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to addressing industrial problems through the application of fundamental science and engineering. Our experienced team has a highly successful track record applying cutting edge research to find innovative solutions to industry problems. The quality of our research has been confirmed by the results of the national Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, where 56% of the submitted research received the prestigious 4* and 3* rating as world-leading and internationally excellent. From material analysis to infrastructure management our solutions generate real competitive advantage. Our research and consultancy activities are supported by a large advanced equipment base, ranging from the latest electron microscopes to high performance computing hardware. Find out more about MERI here: Materials-and-Engineering-Research-Institute/What-We-Do

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