
Postdoc: Spin-charge and orbit-charge conversion at Rashba interfaces

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2024-07-03 | Post-doc

Lab/Company : Laboratoire Albert Fert – CNRS, Thales, Université Paris-Saclay

Location : Palaiseau, France

Yearly income :

File : See details

Expiration : 2024-08-31 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

The proposed project aims to assess the spin-charge and orbitcharge conversion efficiency of various systems (oxide 2DEGs, Rashba interfaces, etc) using spin-pumping from ferromagnetic resonance (SP-FMR). The samples will be patterned to perform broadband FMR with coplanar waveguides and measure the transverse charge current produced at resonance. Systematic measurements, e.g. as a function of the magnetic field angle, will be performed and the data carefully analyzed to isolate the spincharge and/or orbit-charge conversion signals and quantify the conversion efficiency. The objective will be to achieve large output signals at room temperature.

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