
PhD: Magnetic and electronic properties of doped tetragonal CuO films

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2024-06-26 | PhD

Lab/Company : University Grenoble Alpes

Location : Grenoble, France

Yearly income :


Expiration : 2024-09-30 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

A PhD Thesis on “Magnetic and electronic properties of doped tetragonal CuO films” was funded through the "Research Initiatives in Grenoble Alpes" program (IRGA) of the University Grenoble Alpes and is now available (starting 1st October). It is a joint project between the Néel Institute (https://neel.cnrs.fr/) and the SIMAP (https://simap.grenoble-inp.fr/en)

This project will focus on the MBE growth of doped epitaxial CuO films with peculiar magnetic and electronic properties. The samples elaboration will be supported by ab initio (DFT) calculations. The structure will be studied by X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation. Magnetic and electronic properties will be measured at Néel

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