2024-06-23 | Indefinite contract
Lab/Company : University of Greifswald
Location : Greifswald, Germany
Yearly income : W2 professorship salary
Expiration : 2025-06-19 [YYYY-MM-DD]
The University of Greifswald’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is seeking candidates for the position of “Professor (W2) of Experimental Physics specialising in Nano and Quantum Physics” for appointment by 1 October 2025. We are looking for an outstanding scholar with extensive research and teaching experience who is internationally recognised in one or more fields of experimental nano or quantum physics: nanostructures for topology and computing, topological devices, quantum computing, superconducting spintronics, neuromorphic nanodevices, memristors as the basis for artificial intelligence (AI chip development) and the development of artificial neural networks, advanced microscopy (quantum correlations), photonic and optomechanical sensor technology, quantum biotechnology, quantum sensing and applications of 2D and 3D nanostructures. Artificial intelligence and quantum technologies based on nanostructures are key technologies of tomorrow. Therefore, integration into one or more of the university's research themes such as artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing (data science), topology and transport mechanisms (planned research training group activities), or the institute's focal point "Life and Environment" is just as desirable as collaboration with the Helmholtz Institute for "One Health". Technical facilities for nanostructuring (2D lithography, 3D laser lithography, e-beam lithography, electron microscopy) are available at the Institute of Physics and are operated jointly with the Greifswald Imaging Center at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (https://imaging.uni-greifswald.de/en). Synergy effects between the existing possibilities and the research fields of the applicants are desirable. The scope of teaching covers the full range of lectures in experimental physics in the bachelor's and master's degree courses Physics, as well as degree courses in which physics is taught as a subsidiary subject. Experience of working in coordinated research programmes or experience abroad is desirable. Proof of successful acquisition of third-party funding must be provided. Participation in the development of existing and new research networks, a willingness to work in academic self-governance committees and provide teaching in English are expected. The University of Greifswald encourages and demands managerial staff run their organisational units in a family-friendly manner. Applicants must fulfil the requirements for a university professor according to § 58(1) of the Landeshochschulgesetz – LHG M-V (State Higher Education Act): a university degree, teaching experience and a high level of scientific research, which is generally documented by an outstanding doctoral degree. Further academic achievements are expected. § 58(2) LHG M-V stipulates that these are usually proven by a junior professorship, habilitation or equivalent. In accordance with § 61 LHG M-V, the appointed professor will be assigned the status of a civil servant (Beamtenverhältnis) with unlimited tenure; alternatively, if the applicant is not permanently available: limited tenure as a civil servant or public service employee. As a general rule, permanent tenure as a civil servant (Beamtenverhältnis auf Lebenszeit) can only be awarded for the first time to persons who have not yet ended their 50th year of life when they enter employment. This vacancy is open to all applicants, irrespective of gender. The University would like to increase the proportion of women in areas in which they are underrepresented and thus applications from women are particularly welcome and will be treated with priority if they have the same qualifications and as long as there are no clear reasons which make a fellow applicant more suitable. Women are specifically encouraged to apply for the position. Severely disabled applicants with the same professional and personal qualifications will be considered with preference. Unfortunately, application costs (e. g. travel expenses for interviews) will not be reimbursed by the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. For more information, please contact Prof. Dr. Matthias Eschrig, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Applications with all usual documents (Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing the academic career, list of scholarly publications and courses taught, academic certificates, proof of teaching experience, details of externally raised funds, information on teaching concept and future research topics in Greifswald) must be sent via email (one PDF file) by the 23 June 2024 (!!!extended by one month!!!), addressed to: Universität Greifswald Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 15a 17489 Greifswald Tel. + 49 (0) 3834 420 4000 dekanmnf@uni-greifswald.de