
Postdoc: Observation of THz magnons in space and time

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2024-04-02 | Post-doc

Lab/Company : Uppsala University

Location : Uppsala, Sweden

Yearly income : SEK 360 000 -- fellowship


Expiration : 2025-03-30 [YYYY-MM-DD]

Description of the offer :

We will follow the birth, propagation and death of magnon excitations in ferro- and antiferromagnetic materials at THz frequencies and on nm length scales using fs optical and free electron lasers. The main goal is to move from the commonly investigated long-wavelength magnons, dominated by magnetic dipolar coupling, to the short-wavelength, exchange dominated magnons (spin waves) that propagate with much larger speeds. We will explore the energy dissipation of such exchange dominated magnons in low-damping metallic and insulating materials to optimize energy efficiency of potential future magnonic devices. The postdoc should have a background in experimental condensed matter physics and experience with femtosecond optical lasers or x-ray facilities.

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