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  • Post-doc


    Post-doc: Ultra-fast spintronics, Non-equilibrium spin current materials; high [...]

    Hangzhou, China

    Yearly income : 450,000 CNY

    Description of the offer :【Cooperative Team】 Xiaoyang Lin: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor of Beihang University (BUAA), Chairman of the Department of Integrated Circuit Materials and Devices, Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory of Spintronic Chip and Technology of Beihang, and Chief Scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program (NKRDP). He has been engaged in the research of ultra-low power spintronic materials and devices for a long time and has published more than 50 SCI papers, including the first author or [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Observation of THz magnons in space and time

    Uppsala, Sweden

    Yearly income : SEK 360 000 -- fellowship

    Description of the offer :We will follow the birth, propagation and death of magnon excitations in ferro- and antiferromagnetic materials at THz frequencies and on nm length scales using fs optical and free electron lasers. The main goal is to move from the commonly investigated long-wavelength magnons, dominated by magnetic dipolar coupling, to the short-wavelength, exchange dominated magnons (spin waves) that propagate with much larger speeds. We will explore the energy dissipation of such exchange dominated magnons in low-damping [...]
  • Post-doc


    Postdoc: Terahertz dynamics on strongly correlated materials

    Zurich, Switzerland

    Yearly income :

    Description of the offer :In the Laboratory for Functional Ferroic Materials we investigate materials where strong coupling between electrons leads to novel types of ordering processes of their spins and charges. Our scope is to study the fundamental physics of these materials with a focus on experimental basic research, yet including the perspective on the theoretical background and on technological relevance. Our experimental core technology is pulsed-laser spectroscopy between Terahertz and ultraviolet frequencies. In addition we apply [...]
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