European School on Magnetism: Home > Cluj 2007 > Committees


Organizing committee

J. C. Toussaint, O. Isnard, D. Givord
Institut Néel (CNRS-UJF-INPG), Grenoble, France
L. Buda-Prejbeanu
Spintec (CEA-CNRS-UJF-INPG), Grenoble, France
V. Pop, E. Burzo, R. Tetean, E. Dorolti
University Babes-Bolyai of Cluj, Romania

European partners

J. Kirschner, D. Sander
MPI Halle, Germany
L. Schultz, O. Gutfleisch
IFW Dresden, Germany
R. Ibarra, J-M. de Teresa
University of Zaragoza, Spain
J. M. Barandiarán
Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain
H. Szymczak, A. Maziewski
Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Scientific Committee

M. Barandiarán
Bilbao, Spain
E. Brück
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E. Burzo
Cluj, Romania
O. Cugat
Grenoble, France
D. Givord
Grenoble, France
O. Gutfleisch
Dresden, Germany
R. Ibarra
Zaragoza, Spain
O. Isnard
Grenoble, France
W. Kappel
Bucharest, Romania
J. Kirschner
Halle, Germany
A. Maziewski
Bialystok, Poland
D. Sander
Halle, Germany
L. Schultz
Dresden, Germany
D. Stoeffler
Strasbourg, France
H. Szymczak
Warsow, Poland
J. M. de Teresa
Zaragoza, Spain

European School on Magnetism: Home > Cluj 2007 > Committees