History of the French-Romanian Summer School on Magnetism
The French-Romanian Summer School on Magnetism was created by the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj
and the Laboratoire Louis Néel
(and Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble),
with the purpose of getting together students and scientists from Romania and France,
to attend high level classes on advanced topics, lectured by experts from both countries.
The first school took place in 1997 in Oradea,
on "Magnetism of Nanoscopic Systems" and the second one in 1999 in Cluj, on "High Perfomance Permanent Magnets".
This event has been extended to other branches of Physics by the two Universities:
in 2001 the summer school was held in Cluj on "Spectroscopic analysis" and was co-managed by the
Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique in Grenoble.
These schools are part of the strong scientific
cooperation that has been established for years between Cluj and Grenoble Institutions,
in higher education and in research.